CASSINI Hackathons #8

In 2024, the Competitive Space Start-ups for Innovation initiative (CASSINI) will organize the  8th edition of the Hackathon, bringing together ten local organizers in 10 European countries. Ukraine is one of the participating countries. Metalab is a partner and local organizer of the Hackathon in Ukraine. We plan to involve about 100 people from various fields: programmers, scientists, data scientists, hardware engineers, and other specialists who will develop solutions on the given topics by teaming up.

Topic: Communities
Format: Event
Time: November 22-24, 2024


In 2021, the European Commission launched the Competitive Space Start-ups for Innovation initiative (CASSINI).

The 8th edition of the Hackathon will take place in November, and Metalab will be one of the organizers in 2024 — we are responsible for organizing the hackathon in Ukraine. 


The eighth Hackathon aims to develop solutions in defence, security, and space technologies to strengthen EU security.

Three topics of the 8th Hackathon:

  1. Enhancing Defence & Security with Geospatial Intelligence

  2. Unmanned Drone Applications for Defence & Security Operations​

  3. Orbital Security: Navigating the Collision Frontier​


Schedule of events


From November 4 to 8, we will hold THE BIG IDEAS CAMPAIGN, during which we will introduce the hackathon participants to the European Union’s primary space services, explain how the hackathon will take place, hold brainstorming sessions, and invite speakers to give lectures on space technologies.



The main session of the hackathon will take place on November 22-24. Teams of participants will work on developing solutions on a given topic. We will be one of the hubs in the network, we will have a connection from the central hub of the hackathon, an online connection with the hubs of the other nine participating countries. 


THE DEMO DAY on November 27

On this day, participants will present their projects to the jury in a pitching format. Based on the evaluation results, the jury will determine the winners of the Hackathon and who will receive the main prizes. 


The Hackathon is open to anyone interested in entrepreneurship, the defense industry, and EU space technologies. To create solutions during the Hackathon, the EU encourages the use of available EU space technologies: geospatial information from Copernicus Earth observation data and its services, satellite positioning and navigation from Galileo and EGNOS, and new digital technologies (machine learning, augmented/virtual reality, or blockchain).

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